Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Feeling kinda blue when i woke up. With my eyes open i scan around my room. I've forgotten to turn off the lights as it emits the warm little glow from under my table. I reach out towards the table beside me to check to time but there is nothing there. Wondering where had my phone went, i remembered.

Last night, it was sort of a lazy day for me. Just play games with my neighbour and text someone. As night falls i started to breath heavily. God, how i hate this feeling. It feels as if i was a child again. Breathing hard all the time and getting dizzy easily. My vision will jump from time to time when i play games with my neighbour and i will blackout once in a while but i continued my game.

My neighbour saw how weak i was and stopped playing, telling me to go lie down in bed and take a rest. Right after we said our goodbyes, i went into my room. The music blaring from my laptop and my phone right beside it. Sitting down on my bed, i quickly lied down and hid under the covers. As soon as i did that, i feel into a deep slumber.

An hour or two later i woke up. Still dazed from how i felt. Reaching out towards my phone i saw my phone was flashing light. Looking at the icon which resembled an envelope, i read the message. It was received right after i sleep. Quickly replying i sent the text.

As i sat up on my bed, one hand holding my phone and another hugging my bolster, it had struck me again. My chest felt as if it was crushed by boulders, my head started to spin as if i was on drugs and my body numbed as i tried to get out of bed. The only thing clear was my sight, looking around my dark room i still could see my reflection on the tv. With every passing second, i started to feel better. Moving out of my bed, i went down and made myself a hot mug of Milo.

My text had been replied by then and we started texting. Till close to midnight, i was feeling much better now. Suddenly, my mom gone haywire and took away my phone. Saying that sleeping late is harmful and wanted me to sleep. Obviously we quarreled and that feeling hit me as fast as a speeding bullet. I kept quiet for a moment she was yelling at me. I could'nt speak or do anything at that moment. Feeling as if she won, she walked out of my room furiously as i lay there.

It did'nt get much better that i was mad as well. It worsen how serious it was and changed my mood completely. As i log into msn, no one was chatting with me. I went to my Media Player and turned on some music to cool me down. The 1st person that chatted with me, i released some of my anger on her unknowingly and i'm very sorry for that. She was the one i was texting with and had to go off soon. Feeling as angry as ever, i walked out of the house quietly to my neighbours to cool off.

Upon reaching his house, i used one of his brother's phone to text her. Not replying me, i just had to assume she was mad with me. He sort of cooled me down by talking to me. As my mood start to lift, i still can't wonder why the feeling still lingers around me. I still could'nt breath easy and my vision would still jump. Shrugging them off, i concentrate on him and his game.

He suggested we go out for some food and being sort of hungry as well since i had'nt had dinner, i agreed. Drove all the way to kiulap for some Nasi Katok and went back to his home. We ate downstairs and watched tv with 2 of his brothers. Talking and laughing, we went up to play some games.

After that, it was almost early morning and they were all feeling tired and sleepy. I naturally agreed to go home to my own bed. Moving in quietly across the corridor and the stairs, i made it into my room without anyone knowing i was out. Sitting down on the same spot again, i turned on my computer. About a few minutes later, she was online.

We chatted but it was as moodless as ever. It all started to lift as i apologised and talked. Our moods sort of shift to happy as we talked on. Unknowingly, the boulder started to lift and i could somehow breathe easier. As i take one deep breath, i smiled knowing why i had felt like this.

It's all because i miss you oh too muchh. :3

p/s: Kaiwee is coming back today i think, dang it's been awhile since we all saw her.

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