Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tagged by Alveena.

  1. Each blogger must post these rules.
  2. Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
  3. Other bloggers who are tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
  4. You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
  5. It is essential that a tag is left at their tag boards, letting them know about the award they've received.
one. I like my music loud.
two. I believe that there is only one God.
three. I actually miss my sister.
four. I wake up at the middle of the night for no apparent reason.
five. I think people shuffling around the mall is freaking lame. ( Unless you are very good. )
six. I eat food too fast.
seven. Nothing can exactly define me.
eight. I don't care about Global Warming crap.
nine. I have asthma.
ten. I hate my childhood.

I don't know much people so anyone will do.

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